It has been a challenging year to grow plants. It’s been hot, dry, incredibly humid… not my kind of weather. But when I see what is happening to the rest of the country; high temps and fires in the Northwest, flooding in the East, hurricanes and tornados elsewhere, we have been very fortunate. Once again, I am so grateful for our amazing irrigation system that has been running non-stop.
In other news, we have updated our website to make it more user friendly. To get to the wholesale section you only need our password. And this website works better on phones. We hope you like it!
As most of you have experienced, we have had tremendous demand for our plants. Because of this our offerings for spring are limited. We will do our best to fill your order, but please understand that we cannot create more than we have right now. And we don’t want to lower our standards in order to fill orders. I’m sure you agree with that! So please bear with us and try to stay flexible. We are very low on landscaper size plants, 30-36”, 36-42”, 42-48”, especially Roseum elegans. Please take note, there are other varieties that do well in the Midwest. Now might be a good time to try some.
We have good quantities of small leaf (lepidote) rhododendrons in many sizes: PJM, Olga Mezzit and Landmark are looking great. Here’s a large Landmark.
Some other showy ones you won’t want to miss out on are Pieris Cavatine and Poukhanese Compacta. I don’t think they could have set any more buds!
We have small to medium size plants for the garden center. And also some giant plants for those special landscapes.
Our inventory is finished and the Availability List is on our website, so please take a look and send in your order soon. You may call on the phone, mail, email or drop off (please do not Fax) your wish list and we’ll do our best to fill it. As our dear Rosie (RIP) always reminded us: “Get your orders in early. I don’t like to freeze my patootie off trying to finish in the cold.”
All the best,
Linda, Becky, Lazaro, Luchi & the Crew